Gender & Betting Behavior: Men and Women Bet Differently

Do men and women behave differently when it comes to betting? Who shows more affinity to gambling? Who is smarter in cricket betting? In this blog post, we will try to find out answers to these questions. 

Gambling or betting is not a new thing. It has been practiced as one of the favorite pastimes from ancient times. Like many professions and hobbies in this world, the realm of betting has been occupied and dominated by men. For a long time, it was only for men and by men. In fact, betting establishments were no-go zones for women. At the same time, women were least interested in betting. 

Interestingly, women are more intuitive than men. Therefore, they should have been more into gambling because it is thought to be based on the power of predictability, which, in turn, is guided by intuition. Surprisingly, that did not happen. Finally, women have joined men in gambling. If you visit casinos, continuous footfalls of women will not go unnoticed. 

The changing trend is palpable if we analyze the demography of female enthusiasts on T20 betting apps all over the world. 

T20 Popularity & Gender Demography 

A sudden surge in T20 popularity has given rise to subsequent explosion in online betting. Gambling is entertainment and sometimes, more beyond it. Easy accessibility of online betting platforms has created fascination for gambling and contributed to the same among women. With their privacy and security protected and not revealed to the outside world, tech-savvy women are now crowding digital betting platforms in a large number. 

Betting, itself, is a different game and bettors enjoy playing it. Women are now showing interest in betting on their favorite cricketers, and teams. There is no denying that women have alway got attracted to the masculinity of sportspersons. 

So, it springs no wonder that they will love to watch their favorite dashing cricketers, especially if they are extraordinary on the field, and place bets on them in hope that they will come off flying colors and help their team win. 

So, emotions play a big role in the case of female bettors. And it influences their betting decisions. If psychologically deconstructed, women’s intuitions are seldom based on logic. Does it help them win or they end up becoming losers in most cases? We will look into it after presenting statistics of men and women cricket bettors. 

Gender Disclosure on Betting Apps

The vast majority of online betting platforms require you to disclose your gender. Hence, gender related data on online betting apps shows what individuals chose to identify themselves as Male or Female at the time of sign-up. 

According to surveys, male bettors outnumber their female counterparts. However, the gap between the number of men and the number of women performing 96in com app login is shrinking over time. If the trend continues, we can expect a reverse demography change in favor of female bettors. 

Historically, men have always been interested and invested in betting on sports and this still remains true. An online study in America reported 73% of men opting for sports betting as their favorite activity compared to 40% of women expressing the same. Studies also revealed that on average, men deposit $121.39 whereas women deposit $86.52. 

Contradictory to what has been said earlier, women are addicted to bingo. Most bingo sites target women, which is a proof of women’s love for bingo. If the Return to Player ratio is considered, Bingo is one of the worst games. 

Women usually bet more on women-centric sports whereas men prefer male competitions for betting. Female bettors also tend to bet more on big sports events like Olympic Games, Football World Cup, T20 World Cup etc. However, IPL or Indian Premier League has been attractive to both male and female bettors though the former still crowd and dominate the betting platforms.  

Men and Women Bettors: What Contributes to Differences in Their Betting Patterns? 

The above-stated data reveals some interesting details about men and women bettors. It’s important to mention in this context that as an individual, a randomly chosen male and a randomly chosen female may tend to behave differently, which may not match the behavioral pattern of men and women as a group. 

The vast majority of bettors are not professional bettors and consider betting as a recreational activity. Professional bettors, both males and females, think and act differently. Unlike casual bettors, their betting decisions are more research-driven, analysis-guided and logic-based. 

However, regardless of casual or professional bettors, women are more prone to emotion whereas men rely more on logic. As a result, women lose bets more than men do. Furthermore, men have a higher risk appetite whereas women are more risk-averse. This explains why women prefer small bets after their 96 login. On average, women deposit less compared to men, as clearly evident from the afore-mentioned statistics.

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